How to look beautiful in the skin you're in.~
"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder"
This saying/proverb first appeared in the 3rd century BC in Greek.
Whilst being a very true statement, I believe that beauty is born from the qualities of the person, that the beauty belongs to.~This saying/proverb first appeared in the 3rd century BC in Greek.
To feel beautiful and to look beautiful I think comes from within. A plain person can shine from the inside out because of an inner happiness, a confidence in their sense of self, and by exuding this confidence brings with it a natural glow. To look beautiful in the skin you are in, is to feel comfortable in the the skin you are in. By that I mean, assured, unaware of the effect that you may have on the eye of the beholder.~
True beauty comes from the soul, and a person who possesses empathy and kindness to me is a truly beautiful person. On the other hand a person who portrays selfish, vicious or jealous traits comes across as an ugly person. These negative qualities always show in the face of the person who possesses them. You wear your emotions and very being on your out-side skin for the world to see.~
I think the eyes tell all. After all they are the windows to the soul. If you look into a persons eyes you can read the person. How many times have you said "That persons got really kind eyes"? - How can eyes be kind?- But they can, and that very quality is etched deep within the psyche and will shine through in their 'smiling' eyes.~
To look beautiful in the skin you are in is to care for that skin. Skin needs nourishment, without it it can flake, dry, and dehydrate. To initially hydrate the skin we start from the inside, so first of all, and of paramount importance with new evidence supporting it, we need to drink water, and lots of it. After all water is the substance of life! The average person's body is made up 60% to 70% of water. You should drink at least 7 to 10 average sized glasses of water each day for full benefit. The body needs water in able to keep it properly hydrated. Without water our bodies immune system can weaken and it will affect our chemical and pH balances. It is essential for proper digestion, circulation and blood vessel flexibility. It also helps to remove toxins from the body and digestive tract. So it is a major consideration to our skins health. Filtered water is the best, or failing that, bottled water. Beware of too much fizzy, carbonated soft drink. They contain carbon dioxide and our bodies consider this to be a waste product, a poison. Our bodies will only want to get rid of it.~
~ We like to pamper our bodies with creams, and lotions, and moisturisers. Are they really necessary?-Do we need them?- Apparently we do! Skin needs to be moisturised to retain it's elasticity and the enzymes that help renew our skin do need moisture to function properly. Our skin must be kept moist so that the enzymes can do their work and help our skin exfoliate. Skin care is very important, our skin is a living, breathing organ of our body. So we need to feed it from the inside. Be careful of what you put into your body. Eat nutritious foods and drink be aware of their benefits. Fruit, nuts, and vegetables contain good nutrients and properties, do some research on which ones you will benefit most from. Your skin will illuminate when fed the right foods.~
We all need fresh air. A walk in the sunshine makes us feel better, it's good for the spirit, and a walk in the country will make us feel at one with nature. Air and sunshine do wonders for the skin in moderation. Free radicals can be harmful, as can over exposure to the sun when not taken in moderate doses. Always wear a skin protection when venturing out, and a high protection factor sun block before going in the sun.
Facial care is all important, and should go as follows: Cleanse and Condition, Hydrate and Tone, and finally moisturise. We must take care of our facial skin as the atmosphere can harm and age it. Always look after your skin. It is well worth investing in a good range of skincare products. Also sleep and rest is essential to skins renewal. A required 8 hours per night is recommended. Skin repairs itself whilst we sleep, so the importance of this is not to be ignored.~
Thou art lovelier and more temperate:
~Here William Shakespeare is comparing her beauty to a summer's day. Speaking of her qualities, and not her appearance. I think that sums up very well what I have been trying to say. That true beauty on the outside is a reflection of true beauty from within.
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