Beauty, Health and Fitness

Beauty, Health and Fitness Facts to Know About:

Beauty Facts

  1. You can have a more beautiful skin by taking more of this anti-aging – Vitamin-C. It’s proven to soften lines and lighten spots.
  2. You can prevent, and even repair sun damage by applying coffee directly onto your skin. The caffeine in coffee constricts the blood vessels and does the job.
  3. You can file your nails back and forth in long strokes, contrary to belief, but only IF your nails are short and strong. File nails in one direction and in short strokes if you have very long and weak nails.
  4. You can ultra cleanse your feet by soaking it in equal parts of warm water and grapefruit juice with a shot of vodka. The alcohol dissolves dirt, while the acid from the grapefruit loosens dead skin.

Health Facts

  1. You could get a headache, backache, or muscle soreness if you keep waking up during the night. This kind of sleep trouble alters your body’s natural pain-control mechanisms. Get help if you have troubled sleep for over a month.
  2. You could prevent allergies by doing laundry. Kill all dust mites by washing your clothes in 140 degrees hot water.
  3. It’s bad for your health to wear killer high heels for very long hours. It triggers UTI (Urinary Tract Infections) by putting pressure on your lower back and abdomen interfering with your bladder’s ability to completely empty.
  4. You will always get the same doctor’s advice whether you are genetically prone to diabetes or not – eat a healthy diet, exercise regularly, and get your blood sugar tested regularly.
  5. You could also lose your memory by eating too many sweets, aside from getting diabetes. High blood sugar consumption is proven to affect the brain’s hippocampus, so limit your sweets and stay sharp.

Fitness Facts

  1. It’s bad to take ibuprofen or aspirin (for stopping muscle soreness or body aches) before workout. The reason is that it makes you vulnerable to gastrointestinal problems. Take them AFTER workout. Better yet skip it and use ice instead.
  2. You can lose weight by being financially motivated. Allot a dollar to your savings each time you step on the treadmill, or, pay away $10 to a stranger whenever you fail to reach a targeted weight loss goal. Money never fails to motivate. It’s proven to work!
  3. You can lower your heart disease risk by downing alcohol. Just one glass of wine per week coupled with two hours of exercise does the trick. Note that the exercise part of the equation is important.
These tips touch upon three important areas in one’s life – beauty, health and fitness. If you turn these facts into habit then you’re sure to be on the way to a better you.

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